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12-ounce, 100% ring spun cotton weathered duck
Carstrong durable reinforced double fronts
Carstrong durable back leg kick panels
Bib pocket with zipper closure, Adjustable front-elastic suspenders
Two large cargo pockets
Carstrong durable lined front ledge pockets and back pockets


Actual Colour:Carhartt BrownCarhartt BrownCarhartt BrownCarhartt BrownCarhartt BrownCarhartt BrownCarhartt BrownCarhartt BrownCarhartt BrownCarhartt BrownCarhartt BrownCarhartt BrownCarhartt BrownCarhartt BrownCarhartt BrownCarhartt BrownCarhartt BrownCarhartt BrownCarhartt BrownCarhartt BrownCarhartt BrownCarhartt BrownCarhartt BrownCarhartt BrownCarhartt BrownCarhartt BrownCarhartt BrownCarhartt BrownCarhartt BrownCarhartt BrownCarhartt BrownCarhartt BrownCarhartt Brown
Size:30 x 3030 x 3230 x 3432 x 3032 x 3232 x 3434 x 3034 x 3234 x 3436 x 3036 x 3236 x 3438 x 3038 x 3238 x 3440 x 3040 x 3240 x 3442 x 3042 x 3242 x 3444 x 3044 x 3244 x 3446 x 3046 x 3246 x 3448 x 3048 x 3248 x 3450 x 3050 x 3250 x 34


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