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Brand: Umarex

The Smith & Wesson 586 Barrel Pellet Revolver is almost entirely metal with the acceptation of the rubber grips and front removable sight, it has a very substantial overall weight and feel to it coming in at just under three pounds. Keep in mind this is one of the higher end German made Umarex guns and you can tell in the workmanship and fit and finish. All the mechanical parts work flawlessly and have very tight tolerances, the finish is also superb. Yes the price is up there but this is a an airgun you will most likely be passing down to future generations one day as a collector's item, and I would imagine also in working condition.

Barrel System: UMX2255520


Ammo Type:PelletPellet
Gun Caliber:4.5 mm (.177 cal)4.5 mm (.177 cal)
Gun Blowback:Non-BlowbackNon-Blowback
Barrel Length:4 Inch15.2 cm (6 inch)
FPS:400 to 450400 to 450
Gun Action:RevolverRevolver
GunBarrelLengthFamily:4 - 6 inch4 - 6 inch
Trigger Action:DoubleDouble


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