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Use Yukon Magnum Bear Spray to Protect Yourself

If you are interested in frequent camping, it is good to buy pepper spray for your safety. Bear pepper spray is an effective way to repel an attacking bear in a non-toxic manner. Studies showed that most of the time people who use bear spray to protect themselves get lesser injuries than the people using firearms. This is one reason behind bear spray is often preferred and carried by fishermen, hikers, campers, biologists and professional guides. At, we offer high-quality bear spray for our customers through our online store.

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Shop Bear Spray Online

Though there are so many bear sprays available online, offers the best product for protecting a person against bear by Yukon Magnum brand. Yukon Magnum is one of the well reputed brands in producing the best bear spray. It helps you stay relaxed even when you are in deep woods. It is perfect to keep in your survival kit when you go for camping or hiking. That is why it is needed for people who want to remain secure. You can buy this product from our online store at

This product is available in 2 sizes- 225g and 325g. 225g is the most popular size which comes with 5 seconds of spray time. 325Gm provides 8 seconds of spray time. This spray contains 1% capsaicin and related capsaicinoids. It comes with the spray pattern which is used by professional models. This pepper spray is non-toxic, non-flammable as well as environment-safe. It has active ingredients which will never fail to hit your target. It is excellent in consistency and quality. This spray is available at very reasonable prices. The 325gm of spray is offered at just $59.99.

It is important to carry bear spray all the times with you when you are camping in the woods. You can put it on a holster in your belt or in your backpacks. If you see a bear, you can use the spray directly on the bear's face. Though it can reach up to eight meters, it will be more effective in short distances. It will keep you safe and secure. Order your pepper spray today from Camouflage and have a safe and secure camping trip.